Approved by voters in October 2022, the $13.5 million capital project at Warrensburg CSD focuses on replacing end-of-life infrastructure, improvements to health and safety, and enhancing educational programming at the high school.
Collaboration Workshop
The reorganization of educational space at the high school will allow the district to create a collaboration workshop space, featuring integrated technology and flexible furniture to enhance collaboration among students, teachers, and departments.
CTE Classrooms
Improvements to the CTE wing will help strengthen the construction trades program by providing dedicated technology classrooms, separating design areas from the renovated wood and metal shop. This will also open up partnerships with local industries and bring more CTE programs to the district.
Family and Consumer Sciences
The existing Family and Consumer Sciences classroom requires renovations to upgrade appliances, cabinetry, and finishes, while also opening up the space to create better flow between the kitchen and lecture areas.
Project Scope
Following the completion of the district’s Building Condition Survey and Long-Range Plan in 2021, CSArch began the pre-referendum planning process for a $13.5 million capital project. The project, which was approved by voters in October 2022, focuses on critical infrastructure improvements at all 3 buildings including boiler replacements, parking lot and traffic circulation upgrades, ceiling, door, and flooring replacements, window replacements, LED lighting upgrades, and fire alarm system replacements. The district is also planning to departmentalize and renovate existing classrooms at the Jr.-Sr. High School to create separate humanities, math and science, and art wings, allowing for improved collaboration among students and teachers.
Warrensburg, New York
Estimated Completion Date
Infrastructure, Health and Safety, CTE, Family and Consumer Sciences, General Classrooms