As part of an $8 million capital project, CSArch renovated the existing high school library into a modern, flexible media center that improves energy efficiency and better supports student learning in the 21st century.
Library Media Center
The design transformed the existing mid-century library to provide an inviting space that encourages collaboration among students and faculty.
The new ceiling features suspended LED light fixtures and acoustical cloud canopies to maximize sound quality.
A new clear glazing system replaced the existing translucent skylight to add more natural light and enhance energy efficiency.
CSArch also provided in-house interior design, working closely with administation and faculty to select new flexible furniture and finishes.
New bookshelves are located throughout the library to hold more books. The height of the shelves allows the librarian to clearly see the whole space and better supervise students.
Library Media Center
The design transformed the existing mid-century library to provide an inviting space that encourages collaboration among students and faculty.
New bookshelves are located throughout the library to hold more books. The height of the shelves allows the librarian to clearly see the whole space and better supervise students.
CSArch also provided in-house interior design, working closely with administation and faculty to select new flexible furniture and finishes.
A new clear glazing system replaced the existing translucent skylight to add more natural light and enhance energy efficiency.
The new ceiling features suspended LED light fixtures and acoustical cloud canopies to maximize sound quality.
The design includes a variety of furniture selections for individual, one-on-one, and group study. Soft seating have built-in outlets for improved connectivity throughout the space.
Project Scope
Highland Central School District's $8 million capital project addressed interior systems, safety and security, building systems/infrastructure, and site improvements based on the most recent Building Condition Survey. The high school library renovation replaced the existing skylight and ceiling system and added new LED lighting and acoustic treatments. CSArch also provided a complete furniture upgrade to support student learning.
Highland, New York
Completion Date
September 2021
Library Media Center, Flexible Furniture, Technology, Energy Efficiency